It is more important than ever for travellers to be prepared and know their obligations before travelling to Australia. When you’re travelling to Australia, there are some items that can’t be brought with you. For others you need to get permission.
This includes food, plant products and animal material which have the potential to introduce serious pests and diseases into Australia.
Everyone has a role to play in protecting Australia’s $60 billion agriculture industry as well as our unique environment, native flora and fauna, our tourism industries and lifestyle.
Biosecurity officers use 3D X-ray machines, detector dogs and inspections to screen travellers and their baggage for harmful pests and diseases.
If you fail to answer questions about goods, don’t follow directions given by a biosecurity officer or provide false or misleading information in answer to questions or provide false information on your Incoming Passenger Card, you could face serious consequences.
This includes having your visitor visa cancelled, being removed from Australia and prevented from returning to Australia for three years.
If you’re visiting Australia, don’t be sorry, just declare it.
More information on what you can and can’t bring into Australia can be found at: